The start of running season is here!
With the weather looking beautiful out there (hopefully it lasts!) a lot of us are looking to enjoy the outside and get some cardio in while we’re at it. That’s the exciting thing about about spring. The sun is shining on us and we have an extra spring in our step (you see what I did there?). So why not start running? But, you have not ran in months. And now, you want to jump start back into it right away. The problem with that is that injuries are more prone this way. So we have some tips to help you get started on your running journey.
Start Slow and Steady
We understand the temptation to bolt out of your house and spring into your run is strong, but to ensure a low risk of injury we suggest to start with a 1 minute on and 2 minutes off method with a slow jog for about 15-30 minutes to get the ball rolling.
We know that running or jogging is typically used as a warm-up in it of itself, but if your goal is to have a solely running workout that day, make sure that you warm-up your joints and increase your heart rate prior to the run. We would suggest doing some stretching, mobility work and light body weight exercises to let your body know that you are about to begin.

Analyze your Running Gait
We do not think you necessarily need to see us (or any Physiotherapist) for this tip specifically but, It would not hurt to understand your running technique. You could simply take videos of yourself running, see a professional running coach, or come see us for a running gait assessment specifically so we can give you exercises to help prevent injury and improve your overall gait.

Strength Training
Even if your primary goal this year is running and getting better at that specifically, you still need to strength train. Strength training will help you build resiliency and prevent overuse injuries. Some areas to focus on for running would be the quadriceps, calf muscles and your gluteal muscles.

If you would like us to help assess your running or give you running specific exercises to help achieve your goals, feel free to book with any one of us! We would love to help!